Hi ha una peça clau en tot plegat. Vull dir en el fet que Fès m'hagi captivat. Perquè a vegades no n'hi ha prou amb l'encant que respira un lloc per si sol. Perquè es fa difícil entendre de debò un país, una ciutat, un lloc del món, únicament a través de la visió distant, més o menys atzarosa o guiada que podem planificar a través de la lectura d'experiències d'altres o acompanyats d'algun guia turístic. La veritable comprensió i enamorament no sorgeix de la seva arquitectura, paisatges, espectacles,... sinó, i sobretot, de la seva gent; d'entendre com viuen, com pensen, com senten. I esforçar-se a viure-ho com si fossis un d'ells, entre ells i amb ells.
I, per a nosaltres, la peça clau en això té un nom: Fayçal.
Un jove del país que s'ha volcat a fer-nos entendre i viure la seva realitat. Ens hi ha fet entrar per la porta de darrere, sense pretencions ni artificis, sense disfressar res, a peu de carrer. Ens ha explicat i ens ha dut a llocs senzills, des d'on no veus la cultura i tradicions d'un poble, sinó que les vius i les pots capir. Però, sobretot, i molt més important encara, perquè la seva manera de ser ens ha permès, d'una manera recíproca, entregar-nos-hi amb confiança i encetar uns interessants vincles d'amistat en molt poc temps.
Un jove amb il.lusions, amb iniciativa, amb projectes, amb idees noves en un lloc poc procliu al canvi. Amb l'empenta d'engegar peripècies comercials, perquè creu en el seu país, en la seva emergència indiscutible -encara que lenta- cap a situacions de major benestar i progrés.
Darrerament ens ha fet propostes interessants per associar-nos i emprendre un projecte empresarial al cor de la Medina de Fès. Jo crec que no sabrem dir que no. Quina temptació! Quin repte! Què excitant!
English version
There is a key element
in all this. I mean in the fact that Fès has captivated me. Because
sometimes there is not enough with the charm that breathes a place by itself
alone. Because it becomes really difficult to understand a
country, a city, a place of the world, just only through the distant, more or
less hazardous or guided vision that we can plan through the reading of
experiences of others or accompanied of some touristic guide. The true understanding
and love does not come from its architecture, shows and events,
landscapes... but, above all, of its people; to understand how they live, how they think and feel. And striving to
live it as if you were one of them, among them and with them.
And, for us, the key
element in all this has a name: Fayçal.
A youngster of the country that he has bent over backwards for making us understand and live his
reality. He has made us enter into this reality through the back door, without being pretentious, without disguising anything, as
simple as that. He has explained and taken us to common places, from where you do not just see the
culture and traditions of some people, but you live them and you can understand them. But
especially and even much more
important , because his way of life has allowed us, in a
reciprocal manner, to abandon ourselves with confidence and to begin some
interesting bonds of friendship in a very short time. A youngster with dreams, with initiative,
with projects, with new ideas in a place little prone to the change. With the
push of turning on commercial vicissitudes, because he believes in his country,
in its indisputable emergency -although slow- towards situations of major well-being and progress. Lately, he has
made us interesting proposals to associate ourselves and to undertake a
business project in the heart of the Medina of Fès. I believe that we won’t be able to refuse it. What a temptation! What a challenge! How exciting!